The challenge
Additions were to be made to this small, owner-managed hotel and restaurant. The additions included a large wellness facility, additional hotel rooms and suites as well as new rooms for the staff. The hotel strives to provide guests with an experience that is truly of endemic origin, integrating local dishes, produce and its natural surroundings into a consistent concept. In line with this objective, they chose to use local contractors and building materials from the Bernau area.
Our solution
The additions were sizeable at a total of 450 qm and the refurbishment work amounted to 530 qm of newly insulated exterior walls. Moreover, the plans called for a new 585 qm storey. A package of GUTEX Ultratherm and blow-in loose fill insulate the hipped roof. GUTEX Multitherm boards provide insulation behind the spruce shingles on the exterior walls.
Project features
- Original Black Forest character plus contemporary wellness, rest and relaxation potential.
- Informal and friendly hospitality and atmosphere.
- EMAS-certified business; continuous dialogue with employees and public to improve environmental protection performance and drive meaningful change.
- Hotel awarded Naturpark-Hotel designation by Naturpark Südschwarzwald.
Construction solutions
Would you like to see the construction details? You'll find similar constructions described here.